Assistant Regional Director
Dr Bansidhar Barik has completed M.A. PhD and Post-Doctoral in philosophy from School of Language, Literature and Cultural Study (SLLCS) of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi. The topic of PhD is “An Examination concerning Dualism in Rene Descartes and Deconstruction of Jacques Derrida” which covers the chronological development of modernism and post-modernity as a whole. Dr. Barik also completed Post-doctoral degree from School of Social Science (SSS) JNU New Delhi on the topic “The study between Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism on epistemology: A comparative analysis”
The thesis traced the Individual autonomy of the 17th century Europe and its reflection on society. We have emphasized over futurity, individualism, liberation, secularization and abstraction. These are the basic concept of social sciences. In modern rationalism nature become object of scientific investigation and control. This created a rupture between man and nature, in European thinking. The Indian intellectuals did not receive this in the same way. For us, there is a dichotomy between man and nature. The development of science and technology in Europe was aimed to control nature and society as well. Consequently we find that the problems to environment like depletion of ozone layer deforestation, global warming etc. In the postmodern science, we view science, technology, nature and society as a homogeneous whole.
Apart from this Dr Barik has published a book on “Modernism and Post-modernity” from excellence Publishers New Delhi. Working as the consultant editor of a National and international journal GESD published from New Delhi. Published several articles in referral journals and attended BRICS international conference nominated by Ministry of Urban affairs Govt.of India.
Dr Bansidhar Barik worked in various capacities at different organization i.e. Asst.Prof at Dehradun Institute of Technology (DIT University), Asst.Prof at Delhi University, Ramjas College and Kamala Nehru Womens College, Khel Gaon,New Delhi, Principal at GI College,Odisa, Teaching philosophy to the under graduate student at JNU and at present working as Asst.Regional Director(Sr.Scale) at IGNOU.
KORAPUT - 764020
